Testimony & About the Host
My name is Jenn Dubey, I am a wife and mother of three from Michigan. I was originally saved during an alter call at the age of 21 in a Baptist church where I fell in love with the idea of a personal relationship with my Messiah. Raised Catholic, this was a very foreign concept. Growing up, I never read the Bible, nor did I understand much about the character of my Messiah. Throughout the next 15 years I attempted to live what I thought was my “best Christian life”. I was attending church weekly and serving in multiple areas. Then, after experiencing some significant life challenges in 2007, I walked completely away from God and religion. All of it! I did not feel His presence in my life. I felt alone. I honestly believed I had no use for Him. I had lost hope!
Fast forward 6 years later, a dear friend delivered a very powerful and spirit-filled message about my disobedience and wandering in the wilderness. I knew she was giving me a message straight from my heavenly Father. The next week I went back to church recognizing how incredibly weak my faith was prior to all of this. I had repented for what I had done and sincerely wanted to seek His face. Somehow, I found myself in the same pattern as before. I was doing all the things, but yet, it was such a struggle to stay connected to my Creator. In 2018 I fell prostrate on the ground during prayer telling the Father I would do whatever He asked of Me. I had the greatest desire to be in full submission of His will for my life. I would continually call out, “I need You!” I was finally ready to die to the flesh. This was the beginning of my exodus!
Over the next couple of years, I really started to lean in. In 2020, what I call my “year of clear vision”, the Father graciously showed me He had a better way, one that aligned with the life of Messiah and the commandments. That way can be found in the Torah. This was not the influence of any outside source or person, as the country was in lockdown and I was alone when He showed me this truth. I remembered that promise I had made with Him years ago. I said, if you show me, I will do it. And He was indeed showing me.
So, I did!
I started reading the Word with new eyes. I was blown away by what I was seeing in the Scriptures. Why was this new information when I had been in the church for years? The Biblical Sabbath (Shabbat) and His Holy Days I could now see were important to Him, so they became important to me. I didn’t really know anyone else doing this but it didn’t matter. Several months later I was introduced to some other ladies through a Facebook group that would be a blessing in my journey. (Who says social media is ALL bad!!) I started listening to the weekly Torah Portion teachings with Brenda and Charli and began to see so much beauty in the first five books. I could see Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) in ALL of it! All of the Torah speaks of Yeshua! It ALL points to Him. That year, my life was truly transformed! I have never looked back. Now, I can clearly see the WHOLE BIBLE is for my benefit and relevant for me today.
My latest ministry project is launching The Praise Podcast on Pursuing Torah’s website with a goal of exalting His name continually. I am the co-founder of TORCH Ministry, which is an online ministry dedicated to building up women in discipleship and creating community. I am also a contributing writer for Torah Sisters magazine.
Welcome to the journey! I hope you are encouraged by what you see and read here at Pursuing Torah. Seek Him with your WHOLE heart and you WILL find Him! If you have questions, or would just like to connect or share a praise, please use the contact page.
Thank you for being here with me. Blessings!