Oh give thanks to YHVH; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works.
Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek YHVH rejoice! -Psalm 105:1-2

Sara: Walking in Faith
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Sara: Walking in Faith

Travis had a history of addiction, but his desire was to be able to walk away from it and draw closer to God.  In these circumstances we have to partner with God and have the courage to believe we CAN do it.  And don’t look back.

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Travis: Stepping out of Addiction
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Travis: Stepping out of Addiction

Travis had a history of addiction, but his desire was to be able to walk away from it and draw closer to God.  In these circumstances we have to partner with God and have the courage to believe we CAN do it.  And don’t look back.

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D’Vorah: Praying into Potential
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

D’Vorah: Praying into Potential

D'vorah's story is one of hope. It is a story of loss, finding new identity, being led by the spirit and most importantly, praying into potential. What is it you desire for your life? Do you pray for that? Do you believe God will show up for you when you need it the most?

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Robin: the Call to Discipleship
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Robin: the Call to Discipleship

The Father showed Robin the truth of the Word at a young age. But that was not all He had in store for her. He gave her a passion for older adults and provided everything needed to bring truth to an elderly community. Are we sharing the good news with others?

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Tina:Restoration through Yeshua
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Tina:Restoration through Yeshua

Tina had a very difficult past suffering from bipolar disorder and previous trauma. When you listen to her, you can hear her heart for Yeshua. Despite the challenges, He never left her. And after she repented from some things that she had done, she saw Yeshua restored her marriage and her relationship with her Savior.

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Stephanie:  Giving Him your Children
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Stephanie: Giving Him your Children

Stephanie longed to be a mom. She became pregnant with twins, but the challenges were just beginning. After her babies were born at 27 weeks, she had to surrender the outcome to the Father. This was not an easy task, but He showed up and gave her the peace she needed to endure. Today they are 27 years old and she can see God's hand upon them. HalleluYah.

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Marty:  The Gift of healing
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Marty: The Gift of healing

Marty noticed one day half of his eyesight in both eyes was blurred. What he learned from the doctors was he most likely had a stroke and part of his optic nerve was damaged. However, the Father had different plans. Despite the damaged nerve, his sight was restored! Marty tells the amazing story of worshipping through music and leaning in to the Father when things get tough because His grace really is enough!

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Christal: Patience in the Waiting
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Christal: Patience in the Waiting

Christal was on fire for her faith and relationship with Yeshua, but her husband, who was serving in Iraq, was not interested in coming along side her. Christal battled some challenges in her marriage for many years, uncertain of the future, until YHVH brought them into unity. But the waiting.... How long are you willing to wait on YHVH's timing? Do you trust in His timing more than your own?

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Meagan: Words Hold Power
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Meagan: Words Hold Power

Meagan found herself speaking negative thoughts over herself. Do we realize the power of our words? Do we speak with the power of our creator? How do we flip our mindset to be more positive and encouraging not only towards others, but also towards ourselves.

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Crystal: A mustard seed
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Crystal: A mustard seed

Crystal had a troubled relationship with her daughter but YHVH had a plan. Through tragedy and challenge, a broken family comes together with a renewed faith. At one point, hope was almost lost... but she had a mustard seed of faith. That is all she needed to hold on to hope.

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Rebekah: the promises of YHVH
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Rebekah: the promises of YHVH

Rebekah was a rebellious teen who realized a need for YHVH once she become a mom, but then her 7 year old son had a heart attack and her life drastically changed. Rebekah has a powerful testimony of faith in her Creator as she had endured a challenging experience most of us will never really know. Yet, YHVH kept showing her His rainbow reminding her of the covenant He had with her.

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Rebecca: the God who provides
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Rebecca: the God who provides

As a single mom, and a lifetime believer, Rebecca had the privilege of experiencing Yehovah Jireh, the God of Provision. This is not the same as "name it, claim it". Do we always recognize the hand of YHVH in our lives? He desires to give good things to His children, even if it looks different than we expect.

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Anne: The Pursuit of Truth
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Anne: The Pursuit of Truth

Anne grew up in the church, but without a heart to truly know God. As she states, she was just gliding by…. But then, someone started questioning her faith as a speaker at a conference. She realized her life was a lie. She didn’t even know if she believed the Bible was true anymore. How could this be? Aren’t we told to be ready to give an account for what we believe? Well, Anne took that challenge seriously, and it transformed her entire walk with YHVH! Hallelujah!

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Drew: YHVH’s plan is perfect
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Drew: YHVH’s plan is perfect

Drew had faith as a high schooler and was encouraged to go to seminary, but realized his life was not on the right path. Engaging in pornography and going through a divorce was proof he was not living in freedom. Even leading a church, his life looked no different than anyone around him. How do you truly become set-apart for YHVH’s purposes and find a place of surrender?

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Misty: Patience & Perseverance
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Misty: Patience & Perseverance

Misty shares the challenging past of worrying about her brother in prison; but God... He was in all the details, redeeming a family. Another fabulous story of perseverance and love between a brother and sister. God's timing and way are always so much better than our own. He can indeed create beauty from ashes. Misty was willing to STAND for what is good. What can we learn from her story?

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Vern: Depression to Redemption
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Vern: Depression to Redemption

Vern has a compelling story. Although raised in Seventh Day Adventist church, he experienced the horrific scenario of his mother, brother, and cousin being killed by a stranger. He fell into chronic depression and fell into alcoholism. Thankfully, God is a redeemer. His neighbor felt the Ruach (Holy Spirit) speak to him to share the gospel with Vern. After that, his life forever changed. Praise our Amazing God that He can pull us out of the depths of despair and redeem us. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to share Truth with someone?

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Tawnee: Letting YHVH love You
Jennifer Dubey Jennifer Dubey

Tawnee: Letting YHVH love You

Tawnee initially shares about unity in the body... but I felt the Ruach (Holy Spirit) pressing in to tell her to keep sharing. We both were stunned what came out at after the 13:35 minute mark. That was to be shared!! How do we let the Father truly love us? We must allow Him to be part of every part of our day in order to properly love God and love others. That wholeness positions Him as KING over our lives. That is love!! He is WORTHY!! HalleluYah.

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